Today we have approximately 310 km to drive to Luang Namtha which is near Boten on the China border. As we leave Luang Probang we pass through the outskirts of the city which eventually makes way to beautiful lush countryside and distance hills on gently winding roads, although we were doing less than 80 kph most of the day.
We found an interesting morning tea spot in a local market that wasn’t being used today.
Lunch was on the top of a hill overlooking a valley and the hills beyond. Tony even managed to get his chair put together so he could sit on it to eat his lunch, which he made himself today as Tashi left us in Luang Prabang, but she will join us again in Iran.
After lunch we noticed more & more Chinese vehicles on the road, China Power buildings and we saw a huge power station that is being constructed. China is building a significant number of power stations in Laos to supply power to China.
The roads continued to get very windy, making it very difficult to pass the number of trucks on the road, but having our CB radios made it easy for us to communicate amongst ourselves about the oncoming traffic.
Some of the villages we passed through had interesting coloured houses, even I wouldn’t have a pink house!
Even the poorest looking houses still seem to manage a satellite dish.
Coming into Luang Namtha we pass many rice fields that are being prepared for the next season of rice, which I’m guessing will take off when the rain comes next month.
So … no building ideas for you, then, Kay – not even a pink house?
I don’t believe you would pass on a pink house!