This morning we leave Pingyao early and as we walk out the restaurants & shops are just starting to open.
On the way out of town we visit Shuangling temple in Qiaotou village which has very good examples of unrestored original statues from the Song, Yuan, Ming & Qing Dynasties. The statues are made from wood and then covered in clay & painted and they are in remarkably good condition considering their age.
We have 510 km to drive to Xi’an and Shiraz is the lead car. Peter & David take it in turns to drive Henk’s car. It’s a long drive especially the last 11 km through the heavy traffic into the centre of the city where our hotel is. Xi’an is a large city of approximately 8 million people.
As we all meet for our nightly meeting at 7:15 Henk & Maja arrive at the hotel to join us, it’s great to have them back & especially good to see Henk smiling & pain free.
Tell Henk I feel for him. Had the same trouble a few years ago and know what the pain is like and how great it feels after the 7 dwarfs have been in with picks & shovels to remove the stone.
Carl (Loving the blog)
Carl I’m pleased to report that Henk is a new man now & practically ran up The Great Wall of China a couple of days ago.